
Sunday, February 7, 2010

So it's probably just a coincidence...

...but in going over my notes for a presentation I'm giving next week (on the gothic novels referenced in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey), I noticed something oddly familiar. The description of one of the novels (The Necromancer: or The Tale of the Black Forest by Ludwig Flammenberg, published 1794) involves the the adventures of Hermann and Helfried. Their foe is the titular Necromancer, named Volkert, who seems to have mysteriously risen from the dead in a deep, dark, European forest.

Hello, Harry and Voldemort.

I know J.K. Rowling is definitely up on her literary references, but even so this seems like a stretch. The book has only come back into print in the past thirty years and before that it was thought to be a made-up title.

But still.

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